The issue of over-fishing does not get the light of day and I think it is a big enough issue that it should be getting some very serious attention paid to it. It is not just because I love the oceans, it is not just because the creatures of the sea are some of the most spectacular creatures on the planet, it is also because I love humanity.
If we continue to over fish a huge food source for the planet will have been squandered, and only so that the rich can get richer by breaking the rules and ruining things for the honest fisherman. I do not have an issue with local fisherman who are trying to earn a living, what I do have a problem with is the huge fishing conglomerates that are draining the ocean of fish and making it even harder for those local fishermen to make a living.
Fishing does not need to stop, but it does need to be controlled. And there are things that we can do to help as well. The film does a much better job of explaining these things than I do, so please go and see it. It is playing now through Thursday at the Lagoon theater in Uptown.
Here are a few things from the film that infuriate me and just prove that the human race tends to be wasteful and reckless.
The majority of the fish caught is called "by-catch". That means that these fish are unwanted and so are allowed to die aboard the ship and tossed back into the ocean.
Fish "farming" actually kills more fish than it produces. Live fish are caught and ground up into fish meal to feed the fish in these "farms". The fish in the pens only grow in size, they do not reproduce. There is nothing produced using these methods, more is just being used.
Trolling is a method of fishing by which a net is weighted and drug along the bottom of the sea. Entire eco-systems are destroyed using this method of fishing. To use an image from the book, imagine if we were to do that in the African plains, if a net was drug through that land and lions, elephants, and everything else was destroyed. There would be an outcry, no lament is made for the beauty of the oceans.
Please see it. Read the book by Charles Clover. Visit http://endoftheline.com/film/.
Thank you.