Sunday, June 20, 2010

so, if any of you have spoken to me recently i have been gibbering on and on about how much i love the X-Files. i am late in finding the show, when it was on TV i did not watch it due to a combination of being a child who was easily frightened (i had a hard time with The Penguin in Batman Returns, but who isn't a little scared of Danny Devito?) and my parents not being too keen on the show.

but, much to the chagrin of Maria (who i am sure is tired of hearing about it, even though she is kind enough to listen and every so often watch with me (she supports me in my interests because she is a wonderful wife)), i have delved into the X-Files universe and can not get past how great this show is, even though i am only into the 2nd season.

compared to TV today, f*** you Jersey Shore, it is a Beethoven symphony. this show entertains, makes you care about these characters, asks some pretty interesting spiritual and philosophical questions, and is just some good wholesome creepy fun.

the episode i wanted to focus on briefly was the episode of the X-Files entitled "irresistible". the episode is about a man who likes to collect hair, finger nails, and eventually fingers, off of previously dead bodies, and as the show progresses, people that he has killed. it was an interesting episode mostly because it was a reference to Jeffery Dahmer, which was a situation that occurred during the time this show was on the air (1994), and because it takes place in . . . THE TWIN CITIES!

it made the cities look as if the place was crawling with hookers and fetishists. but, i hate to say it, they got it right. just recently a friend of mine was propositioned in downtown St. Paul by a prostitute (honestly, i was out on my nightly round and didn't recognize him. i wouldn't have said anything if i had. too bad though, i would have rocked his world). But, even Mulder was excited to go to a Vikings game. unfortunately he wasn't able to make it to the game due to the finger loving murderer, but he watched it on TV.

but what does bother me is that Iowa got alien abductions, Wisconsin got kids and cows being treated with alien DNA and being told it was the bovine growth hormone, but Minnesota, we get this guy . . .

(he's smelling hair).

way to go MN, dream big.

The Truth Is Out There.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It is amazing how much music can affect us. A song can instantly change our mood, remind of something, or just fill us with awe that someone composed such great art (which is my general reaction to classical music, but there are a few pieces that truly affect me emotionally).

I am going to post some of the lyrics to songs that move me in some amazing way. So here is the first one, there will be more to come.

End Serenading

Will you come and what will I say
Oh I have been so distant and unhappy
Like I could disappear

When I was a boy I saw things
That no one else could see
So why am I so blind at twenty-two
To the hope that is all around me
Filling up this room

On the road on my own
Waiting for the words to fall from your tongue
Into my ears

When I was a boy I could hear
Symphonies in seashells
So why am I so deaf at twenty-two
To the sound of the driving snow
That drives me home to you

I was going to write about what this song means to me, but I decided that might cheapen it a little. If you want to know what I think, ask me next time I see you. But for now, please read them, and see if they mean anything to you. Please check out the song, it is incredible.