i have just recently finished watching a new nature series done by david attenborough called "trails of life" and it has honestly blown me away. each episode has to do with a certain stage of life, i.e. birth, courting, hunting, fighting, etc. and in each episode i was more and more enthralled by the complexity of the natural world. how some monkeys actually have a "language." they have different sounds attributed to different objects or situations. if a certain type of predator is coming they will make a specific sound and so forth. millions of ants work together to march along the jungle floor to hunt and kill scorpoins and large spiders. they pass over gaps by making bridges out of their own bodies. it appears to be such a complex societal system but it is all instinct. it is all design.
to think that a divine force has created all of this life and all of the natural rules that governs it is so amazing. to look at my own body, despite being a little overweight, and see its perfect design just floors me. i can have nothing but reverence for the God who created all of this.
don't get me wrong. i am not a creationist in the strictest sense. i do believe that God created this world and everything in it, but i don't believe that it happened exactly as it states in Genesis. i am also not an evolutionist. but if i had to, i would say i am a mixture of the two. to look at all of the beauty in the world and say that it all happened by accident breaks my heart. if one of the natural systems were not in place, if the planet were missing the smallest part, this would be a lifeless rock. that is the grace of God. that we would be given life, and given such an amazing and interesting environment to live it on, is an act of pure Love.
i am reading "the language of God: a scientist presents evidence for the belief in God" by francis s. collins and it has been very good thus far and i hope to learn alot more by the end of it. i am sure that alot of this writing falls short of good philosophy or even theology but is all i can say to express something inexpressable in my heart. when i see nature, honestly when i look at a shark, i see God at work. i see incorrupted creation, an organism that has remained virtually unchanged since its creation. how much closer to God can you get?
i am now going to recommend a few nature films and series that i have loved and want others to enjoy:
planet earth: incredible
the living planet: i watched this with my dad. it was the first nature series i ever saw (and loved).
trials of life: some of the most interesting animal behavior i have ever seen.

blue planet: nature films specifically about ocean habitats, amazing.
others i will just put into writing.
lonely lord of the sea: a film done by the cousteau society about the great white shark. it is very very good.
predators at war: a film about lions, hyenas, wild dogs, cheetas, and jaguars battling for food during a draught. one of the most intense nature films i have ever seen.
anything done by shark week.
blue water, white death: a documentary about the quest to get the first great white shark on film. it is very interesting, plays like an adventure story. some very cool footage.
there is divinity in nature.
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