it is interesting to think about who you would consider to be your heroes. i feel it would be people who have influenced your life in both direct and indirect ways but have somehow shaped who you have become. of course, they also tend to be people that you look up to. so here are a few, in no particular order, of my personal heroes.
monty python: in my opinion the most
influential and intelligent comedy team ever. even if you don't particularly like them, a certain amount of respect is due.
andrei tarkovsky: the
russian director of "Solaris", "Andrei
Rublev", "Ivan's Childhood", and "Stalker" among others. incredible images, incredible artist.
david attenborough: nature
filmmaker who continually inspires me to love and be in awe of God's creation.

lewis: someone who has written many books that have helped me grow in my faith. the most
influential is "the Great Divorce." it is a book with such emotional intensity that it cannot be ignored.
stanley kubrick: has created some of the most beautiful images ever put on film. every time i watch one of his films i am blown away by its visual beauty and innovation.

stine: wrote the Goosebumps series.
nuff said.
a few not pictured:
mineral: a band that will always remind me that music can touch your soul.
God/Jesus: as much as this is a cliche it is true, how can i deny my savior and creator of this glorious universe.
my friends and family: rick, darcy, dylan, roseabelle, clair, mary, andrew, lana, allan, cindy, matt b, matt w, gerrit, steve, ric, john, dan (lloyd), brian, jason, lisa, ashlyn, and all of my extended family on both sides, those on the pine ridge reservation, and anyone i may have forgotten, you have and will always bless my life with guidance and support. i love you all.
maria, my wife: i love you so intensely i cannot begin to describe it.
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