So, to avoid this unnecessary worry, I have compiled a list of movies I am going to avoid watching until the big day. Here is the first:

This film features Gina Davis giving birth to a fly larvae and as you can see in the photo below, it is kind of disturbing. It turns out in the movie that (spoiler alert) it is just a nightmare. But, even so, who is to say this might not happen to us? I don't know if I have any genetic mutations, but I did spend a lot of time near radioactive material when I was a child. But, if I am a mutant, we would just hope that our child has super powers instead of turning out to be a human baby size maggot.
Of course Maria and I are not going to have a maggot baby, but if I were to watch that movie, I would be more concerned about having a maggot baby than I would need to. So, let's watch something else.

The next film:

Maria might want me to watch this one because of the scene in which a man finally feels the pain of birth (of course it is an alien monster tearing it's way out of his chest, this is not the natural course). But, as much as Maria would want me to, I am going to avoid watching it because it would hit a little too close to home. And, in an irrational way, it would probably get me to thinking, "what if the baby did decide to come out of Maria's chest?" I like Maria too much to even entertain the thought, and that would probably mean that our child is an alien monster. No one wants that.
I hope sympathy pains don't get this extreme. Let's watch something else.

The next film:

This is a film about a killer baby. Pure an simple, I would not want our baby to kill people. That would be a real bummer. "Hey, here's our pride and joy. Don't get too close, it'll eat your face." Anyway, if our baby was homicidal, I would hope that it is a little cuter than the murderous baby below. People would probably be a little more forgiving of a killer baby if it leaned to the cute side.

I am going to avoid this one, not because macaulay culkin plays an evil child, but because macaulay culkin is in it. It would bother me to have a child that turned out like macaulay culkin. Scary.
Let's watch something else.
The last film:

This is a film about a killer baby. Pure an simple, I would not want our baby to kill people. That would be a real bummer. "Hey, here's our pride and joy. Don't get too close, it'll eat your face." Anyway, if our baby was homicidal, I would hope that it is a little cuter than the murderous baby below. People would probably be a little more forgiving of a killer baby if it leaned to the cute side.
But, I just don't want to worry about having a killer baby. So let's watch something else.

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