Thursday, May 1, 2008

viewer discretion advised (not for children)

i apologize to anyone who is sensitive to bare skin or young celebrities but since it has been getting so much talk lately i feel i should weigh in my opinion on this whole miley cyrus/hannah montana thing. first i'll show you the controversial picture and discuss from there. if you still have a good opinion of the teen star you might want to look away . . . it is a young girl and alot of skin . . .

i'm sorry you had to see that but feel it is important to show you what is being deemed controversial. personally i am offended. not only is this nearly naked man standing next to miley cyrus but, and i think worst of all, she is touching him. she is also very happy about it. this is sending a bad example to our young people. this is the message it is sending to me . . .

"i'm hannah montana, if you see a naked man just smile and touch him."

what example is that setting for all of the millions of little girls looking up to miley. she used to be so wholesome and now, whore! and what is that going to breed? millions of little whores just waiting to get at some huge naked man, just because "hannah montana does it."

i was going to endorse miley cyrus for president but now i am not sure that she is fit for politics because she is involved in morally offensive behavior. she would tarnish the good name of politics with her sexual escapades. i think she should be banned from america and made to apologize personally to each of her fans and tell them to not be a whore like her. she should take responsibilty for her horrible behavior.

and now . . .

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